Marc's Whereabouts

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Happy new years everyone (if there's anyone out there). I am in San Francisco for one more night, and then, tomorrow, back on the road. Tonight I am staying at the green tortoise hostel, where there will be free food and alcohol. Whoo!
Also, some guy gave me a Les Claypool ticket for a ridiculously cheap price, because he couldn't use the ticket. So at 9:00pm tonight I will be attending that concert. It should be cool. Let me know how your celebrations went. Until later, auld lang syne and all that.

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Well, tomorrow morning I'll be heading back to San Fran for a couple of days. After that, I will be back on the bicycle and headed north up the coast. I look forward to coastal riding and giant redwoods and the like. I am going to have to leave my typewriter behind, sadly. I had purchased the typewriter in Flagstaff. I saw it in an antique shop and fell in love. It is a beautiful black underwood portable, with round black keys and beautiful curves, highlit in chrome; How could I resist? Well, needless to say, it has been difficult to lug that thing around (it IS made of cast-iron). Hey, no one said I was practical. So my typewriter will be shipped back to Montreal to wait for my glorious return. :) I started to write something that I hope will turn into a book on it (If I can stick with it long enough). A few days ago I also met a girl from montreal (It was so nice to talk to a montrealer), who is intending to become a publisher. I want to be a writer, she wants to be a publisher; Maybe we'll make each other famous! I had a great conversation with her and look forward to getting back in contact with her when I get back to Montreal.

I don't know if getting aboard a cargo ship is realistic - at least not since september eleventh. The ports are locked up tight. So I'll start travelling north, and then see if I can join a travelling circus - people always suspected I would run away and join the circus, anyway. I think that that would be an interesting way to travel east across canada (It will also save me from having to pedal across the prairies). So now that I have rid myself of the typewriter, and am in the process of ridding myself of the extra clothes and whatnot that I have accumulated through a comparitively sedentary leg of my travels, I am road-ready again. The coast, and nights camped on the beach, are ahead of me - after a suitable amount of new years celebration in San Fran.