Marc's Whereabouts

Friday, June 11, 2004

Alright, I hope you folks have noticed the changes to the site: Now you can give me feedback directly on the site (lower right, comment box) and there is also a hit counter which is directly linked to my self-esteem ;) So on with the show.

I arrived in London a few days ago, at which point it occured to me that I probably should have gotten some information about where I was or where I was going before actually setting off. No matter. With a little resourcefulness I made my way through the London underground to the Bayswater district, and decided that I would hostel it for at least one night. Considering that I had not slept all night, I figured it would be worthwhile to guarantee myself a bed. So down to the local pub I went, once I had secured my belongings in the hostel, where I played a couple of games of British-Rules pool, or Snoooker as they call it, which is essentially pool except you can make really annoying shots until the other person wants to kill you. And then I went home and fainted. Nonetheless, despite my rather simple excursions, by mid-day the next day I realized that I had already spent a great deal of money, so I decided to get out of London before it should bleed my bank account dry. So I found a cheap bus (though I paid the difference in other ways, as the bus broke down and the service was less than civil) to Nottingham, and dropped in on Sabrina and Richard, who were quite surprised to get a local call from me :) So, I have been getting a guided tour of this historic city - I just went to the castle today and had a drink in the oldest pub in England, the "Trip to Jerusalem", a pub built into a cave - and have been fed and lodged in the newlywed's bucolic little house. It is a good place to gather my strength before launching into the real adventure, to decompress from the stress of preparation, to recover from jet-lag, and to plan the next step.

Monday, June 07, 2004

For anyone out there worried, I am indeed in London, England. The trip went well and I have found a place to stay the night. So, all's well. No time to give a long update, but when I'm not paying for internet by the minute, I'll give you folks a proper earfull. :)