Marc's Whereabouts

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Alright alright, chill!
If I've been slow with the posts lately, it's only because I've been having trouble staying sobre since crossing the German border. Can these folks ever drink! Now I met a lovely girl here named Verena, who brought me to the Brauhaus to start off my visit to Germany, and who has taken good care of me since my arrival. Now when you order a beer in Germany, be careful, they may just show up with a container the SIZE OF YOUR HEAD. I've met the whole town here in Nordhorn, and have become somewhat of a local celebrity. They even wanted to have me appear on the local radio station (translated, of course). But I will not be around to have that happen, I'm afraid. When I walk into town, people call out my name! And do their best to ask me questions in english about my travels and my home.

Over the weekend I ended up at a Strassenfest, a local street festival, where I was fed to bursting and forced to drink beer and some other strange german drink I have yet to identify. Please help me. Every day I wake up in my tent with an enormous headache! On my way to the Strassenfest I ended up joining in on a german tradidional birthday game, that consists of jumping hand in hand down the street along a line of boxes, drinking with every jump. Are you folks getting the idea?

Ooh, yesterday, against my better judgement, I drove with someone back to holland, to a town called Enschede, where my friend Andreas and myself snuck into a big student dinner and got fed for free (or at least I did, Andreas wasn't smooth enough to pull it off). Upon our leaving we were given a box of 30 puddings, and I've rather gorged myself on pudding since. What else... oh yeah, I went conoeing herein northern germany with a bunch of people. There are pictures, which I may find some way to show you guys. Oh, out of time! Have to go, I'll rewrite this later when I have more time... typing a mile a minute to get done!