Marc's Whereabouts

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

So it`s been a while. So sue me :) Where am I? Victoria, B.C. How did I get here? Well let me tell you.
Alright, so I was in Olympia, Washington. I ended up getting involved with a girl named Erin at Evergreen. That put an end to my sleeping in the woods - for awhile. So I hung around the university and partied with the greeners, as I mentioned. Well, after a while I was kicked out of Olympia and found myself back on the road. And who kicked me out, you might ask? The answer, unfortunately, is Erin. Erin sort of fell hard for me, and she decided at a certain point that if I stayed any longer, then she could not have beared to see me go; According to her this meant I had to go then. After appealing pointlessly to her logic, I got back on the road. And it wasn`t long before I was sick. There is nothing worse than being sick while on the road, especially when you could have been tended to by a beautiful woman just a couple of days earlier if she hadn`t kicked you out - not because she didn`t care but rather because she did; Yup, that`s the worst. And so I pondered that while in the washington rainforest, in which, not surprisingly, it was raining. Oh, and have I mentioned that my tent has started leaking? Did I mention that? So I made it up to Port Angeles at the tip of the wahington peninsula. After meeting a half native american half australian aboriginal psychic who has apparently been employed by the US government to detect terrorists (crackpot? maybe. but I wouldn`t be greatly surprised if she was telling the truth), I went out to a bar where I met a lovely bartender who put me up for the night, before I caught my ferry to Victoria, B.C. Well come the next morning, I was too lazy to catch the ferry, so I stayed another night at her place. I went out again, where I met an elderly woman who has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for the last 30 years. Well, the doctors told her that she would no longer be able to walk in a few months - 30 years ago. And she was still walking. She had taken it upon herself to help the whole world. "It`s my job!" she insisted. And she must have had at least 10 beers before she fell to the ground. But she was OK, though clearly not sober enough to make it home on her own. So I walked with her, next to the motorized cart she was driving, as she told me about her "little life", as she called it. She was crying by the end of it, but I tried to calm her down, and, to keep her from drunkenly colliding with every passing obstacle. So she didn`t hit EVERY obstacle, thanks to me, and I got her and her cart back to her apartment and we said a bittersweet goodbye. What a kind and courageous woman. And the next day I took the ferry across the border. And I was in Canada. I found a little hostel to crash in that only charged $10 (Canadian, obviously), and later on I would get work exchange so I would no longer have to worry about paying for lodging. And so now I`m looking for an actual income to replenish my funds. Oh, and I`m going out on a nearly nightly basis. I pulled the same scam as I pulled in Ontario, and hooked up with a university pub crawl, swiped a name tag and got free alcohol all night as I toured the bars of Victoria impersonating a geography student from the university of Victoria. But this time, when we made it to the requisite karaoke bar, I WON the damn contest. Or rather my team did, a victory that they credited entirely to my comical and painful-looking fall during a staged fight scene in our performance of Billy Jean. Yeah. And so my adventures continue here in Victoria.