Marc's Whereabouts

Monday, December 02, 2002


"So this thing goes on forever, right?" I ask.
"Yup" replies Giuseppe.
The pacific ocean. I'm here on it's shore. The tides, the roar, the immense power of waves that have travelled across the world to wash up on this shore, at my feet. This is the first time I've seen the ocean - either ocean. It seems odd that having grown up in montreal that I should see the pacific before seeing the atlantic. I am on the outskirts of San Francisco, living by the shore of the ocean at the house of a friend of KT's named Amy, and her roommate Gretchen. It just so happens that they are never home, and essentially live with their respective boyfriends. So, I have the house more or less to myself, oddly. Last night, I went to the ocean; Giuseppe went skinboarding in a monkey costume; Amy and I watched the waves come in and greeted them barefoot. I felt victorious, like I'd triumphed over something - I still don't know what - at having reached the other shore. And I stared across it, into the haze, wondering where I would go next. Will I be on that ocean soon, with this shore long passed out of sight? Will I survive it? My home is far away, now, as I look around and see palm trees. Somehow the palm trees seem even more far away from home than the cacti did. Tonight I'm going rock climbing. Maybe tomorrow I'll try surfing. Innumerable possibilities.
Giuseppe, who lived in Quebec for a few months, has told me he will make me some poutine. Apparently, curd cheese is illegal in the united states: some obscure law about uncooked food, apparently (?). But Giuseppe has a hookup, he assures me, and we make the meeting next Sunday with two girls from Quebec who run a farm up north.
I'm going to go hit the San Francisco night life, tonight. It will be glorious. I haven't been in a big city in a long time. There are some interesting possibilities I want to explore while here - I will elaborate later as my time is running out on this library computer.
All my love, folks, all my love!