Marc's Whereabouts

Sunday, December 29, 2002

Well, tomorrow morning I'll be heading back to San Fran for a couple of days. After that, I will be back on the bicycle and headed north up the coast. I look forward to coastal riding and giant redwoods and the like. I am going to have to leave my typewriter behind, sadly. I had purchased the typewriter in Flagstaff. I saw it in an antique shop and fell in love. It is a beautiful black underwood portable, with round black keys and beautiful curves, highlit in chrome; How could I resist? Well, needless to say, it has been difficult to lug that thing around (it IS made of cast-iron). Hey, no one said I was practical. So my typewriter will be shipped back to Montreal to wait for my glorious return. :) I started to write something that I hope will turn into a book on it (If I can stick with it long enough). A few days ago I also met a girl from montreal (It was so nice to talk to a montrealer), who is intending to become a publisher. I want to be a writer, she wants to be a publisher; Maybe we'll make each other famous! I had a great conversation with her and look forward to getting back in contact with her when I get back to Montreal.

I don't know if getting aboard a cargo ship is realistic - at least not since september eleventh. The ports are locked up tight. So I'll start travelling north, and then see if I can join a travelling circus - people always suspected I would run away and join the circus, anyway. I think that that would be an interesting way to travel east across canada (It will also save me from having to pedal across the prairies). So now that I have rid myself of the typewriter, and am in the process of ridding myself of the extra clothes and whatnot that I have accumulated through a comparitively sedentary leg of my travels, I am road-ready again. The coast, and nights camped on the beach, are ahead of me - after a suitable amount of new years celebration in San Fran.