Marc's Whereabouts

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Well 'ello 'ello!
So I'm still in Lille and life is good - all except for the weather. You go outside with the sun on your face, and come running home in the rain. That's the weather here right now: schizophrenic. But I've made some good friends here: There's Jorge, a venezuelan exile with a wicked sense of humour; Christine, a toronto-escapee and a whole lot of woman; Leo, a british youth with a somewhat too stiff upper lip; not to mention, a whole cast of assorted french color. But the cleaning staff consists of people without papers - no french citizen would work for just room and board!

Here I've met people from all over europe (as well as outside), providing me with contacts that I'll likely be exploiting throughout the rest of my journey. But my feet are getting the itch again and it will soon be time to move. There's a river that passes through town and I'm looking into boat building - probably a pipe dream, but when one only has pipe dreams, one has to make due ;) Also, it seems that someone abandonned a bicycle here at the hostel some time ago. There's a good chance I can get them to give it to me. So where to next? Well, I may chase the nice weather into the south, or, a girl into Sweden. Stay posted and find out :)