Marc's Whereabouts

Thursday, November 21, 2002

And, now, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages... The circus continues.

I am getting my kicks on route 66, up in the arizonian mountains, near the grand canyon, in a town called Flagstaff. I am living and working at a hostel on old route 66, engaging in nightly drunken revelry with my room-mates: a tiny hot-headed lesbian named Megan; and Dylan, alaska's answer to buddha (As well as a whole cast of interesting freaks that populate the hostel). I have met people from all over the world while here, made contacts on every continent (except antarctica, dammit), and am now considering interesting new prospects (to be described later in this update). I work three hours a day cleaning and am given room and board in return, as well as - wait for it - fifteen dollars a week! :) I am missing my family and friends from montreal (as well as the friends I have met along the way), and have been feeling quite homesick for the last few days. Your e-mails have made me feel much better, though, and I love the heck out of you guys.

Apparently, halloween is a HUGE holiday out in the west - who knew? I dressed as a scarecrow, stuffing hay in my jacket and sporting a charmng green straw hat, and had a blast as the city went wild. But almost every night here is wild - must be the people I associate with.

I have also had an interesting, though rough, time in my romantic life. An androgynous woman and a beautiful and charming one-eyed french woman are among the list of romantic interests who have pulvarized my still-beating heart :) Women!

I have also happened upon a group of francophones who inhabit the town of flagstaff, and I have been enjoying their company. It has been really good to speak french again. It relieves some of my home-sickness.

I think, though, that I will be leaving here soon and going up to the Hopi reservation. It should be a great place to learn.

After the Hopi reservation I think I will go down to San Francisco, where I hope that Richard (my brother) will come visit me, as well as KT (and anyone else who wishes to join me). I'm very much looking forward to San Fran; I've heard good things about it.

After that, well, I met a kiwi (new zealander) who offered me a place to stay in absolute paradise, where she lives. In order to get there, a friend of her's who built himself a tiny trimeran (a little sail-boat) may let me sail with him across the pacific to new zealand. It has always been my dream to be on water, out of sight of land. I hope it happens!

Well, there are a trillion things that I could include in this update (mostly because its been so long), but I can't tell you guys EVERYTHING. I keep the juiciest bits to myself. :P But take care, all you guys, and keep writing. If you keep writing, I'll keep writing. Deal?

P.S. Sorry for the disconnected nature of this update. I'm feeling a little scatter-brained.