Marc's Whereabouts

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

So I stayed for a short time in geneva. The squatt where I lived was ideal, and the people there were friendly. Now I have to say, this was a very well organized squatt. They even had an internet room, and a movie theater with all the latest bootlegged releases, and a bar in the basement where they'd host concerts and local events (no doubt to pay for the internet and such). There were even children living there. And I must say, I ate like a king while I was there. Every night they would prepare a feast of reclaimed food (see about a million updates back, recycing man of Alexandria). I was sorry to leave Geneva, but I felt the itch again. So with some very good hitchhiking advice from people who (for once) knew what they were talking about, I left and thumbed a ride to Lyon, France.

Lyon is a gorgeous town of cobblestoned streets, squeezed between twin rivers - the Rhone and Soane - and old and storied, with roman ruins and all the history one could ask for - something sorely lacking in the life of a north american :) I've met some nice people here, and though I'd only intended to stay a couple days, I've already been here a week (I think). I've been bouncing from couch to couch, without any longer term place to stay, and I've met a couple of friendly germans who I associate with most often. Today, as I write, is the festival of lights in Lyon. Tonight, the lights and electricity will be turned off all over Lyon, and in every window, a candle will burn. It promises to be beautiful. The festival of lights was one reason I stayed; but there were others. I don't know when exactly I will resume my journey southward, but the sun is calling me.